ℹī¸ Torrent Info

Name: Tales from the Crypt (1972_En 2.0_En subs and chapters_1080p)
ID: feec77b94f430153191e5fd2fb76e2df155d318a
State: Downloading Down Speed: 128.3 K/s Up Speed: 11.5 K/s
Seeds: 6 (13) Peers: 2 (25) Availability: 7.87 Seed Rank: -
Size: 3.4 G/3.9 G Downloaded: 3.4 G Uploaded: 979.9 M Share Ratio: 0.28
ETA: 1h 13m Seeding: - Active: 8h 40m
Last Transfer: 3s Complete Seen: 09/14/24
Progress: 86.17% [###################################################--------]